Multiple references to LIFE HUELLAS project in the media

After the publication of an entry about LIFE HUELLAS in the news section of the LIFE Programme web page, various media have published information about the project, including the Urban Mobility Observatory (ELTIS), the Intelligent Transport Systems Portal (ERTICO...

6th Coordination Meeting

At this coorination meeting, held at the offices of IK Ingeniería in Barakaldo, the current situation of the projec was reviewed and discussion focused on the problems that will arise for the pilot phase due to the current stop in public civil works.

JIFFI- Best Contribution Award to LIFE HUELLAS

The Organizing Committe of the I Conference of Researchers in Training: fostering interdisciplinarity (JIFFI) and the International Graduate School of the University of Granada have awarded the prize for the best contribution of the Doctorate School of Sciences,...