Coinciding with the halfway point of LIFE HUELLAS project (Ref. LIFE12 ENV/ES/000686) and Coordination Meeting Nº4, members of the Advisory Board will meet with consortium members to review project progress up to date. The Advisory Board, which consists of companies and organizations that do not belong to the LLIFE HUELLAS consortium but have shown interest in the project, will help evaluating task development and, based on their own experience, propose actions and measures to improve project outcomes and its final impact.
- ADIF: as Spanish rail infrastructure manager.
- AENOR: as standardization and normalization experts.
- IHOBE: as Basque Government public administration, with competencies in environmental policy.
- OECC: Spanish Office for Climate Change (MAGRAMA), as environmental footprint and climate change experts.
- SEOPAN: representing the Spanish Association of Infrastructure Management Companies.
- SNCF: as French rail infrastructure manager.
- UNIFE: representing the European Rail Industry Association
The meeting will be hold at ADIF´s Railway Technology Center (CTF), located at Andalusia Tehnology Park, in Malaga. CTF was launched on November 2010 and is an stable and open space for innovation, counting with several multidisciplinary research groups.